Having toned legs and thighs is a dream of almost women. It will improve your appearance and increase your confidence to wear lovely dresses. You have to eat healthy foods, as well as practice suitable workouts, which contribute to change your appearance. These exercises help you to shape your legs and inner thighs from every angle.
Flamingo Balance Exercise:
The flamingo balance exercise is a full lower body workout utilizing many major muscle groups. Major muscle groups utilized during the flamingo balance exercise are: Gluteus maximus, Gluteus medius, Gluteus Minimus, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Tensor Fascia Latae, and other hip flexor muscles.
Squat with ball:
Ball squats are a great exercise for anyone, no matter their age, weight or ability level. This exercise not only can help you increase muscle mass and tone your legs, but will also improve your agility.
How to do it: Place the ball between the wall and your lower back, walking your feet out slightly. Lower your body toward the floor in a squat position as you continuously push back into the ball. Straighten your legs, keeping your weight over your heels to return to standing position. Complete 10 to 15 repetitions.
Skater lunge:
The targeted muscles in this exercise are the glutes, quadriceps and the core. The skater lunge is a combination of high and low intensity workout.
Chair twist:
Chair Pose with twist strengthens the muscles in the legs and opens the muscles of the back. Chair twist increases the flexibility of the spine and back and stretching the shoulders.
Gate Swings:
The gate swings is a great cardio move that also trains your legs, glutes, and core muscles. This move is a great warm-up because it activates your core and stabilizing muscles in addition to targeting those inner thighs.