To improve the back’s flexibility and prevent muscle strain, stretching is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy back. These exercises should be performed every day to achieve the optimal goal.
The Two-Knee Twist
Begin on the ground, lying on your back. Spread your arms out on either side of you so that your body is in a T-shape. Then, place your knees together and draw them up to your chest.
Next, slowly lower your knees to your left while your shoulders are pressing down firmly to the ground. Stay here for two minutes before bringing your knees back to center. Then, repeat the process on the other side.
The Seated Twist
It improves mobility and posture through your lower back with this spinal stretch.This one is great if you’re travelling in a car or on a plane and want to stop your lower back from cramping up.
Holding the left hand armrest of your seat, and keeping your back straight, turn the right side of your body towards the armrest, and hold for one minute. Then do the same on the other side.
Hip Stretch
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Then, take a half-step back with the right foot, bend the left knee and shift weight back to the right hip.
While keeping the right leg straight, bend forward and reach down the right leg until a stretch in the outer hip is felt. This stretch maintains the flexibility of the spine.
Super Man Stretch
Lying on your stomach your arms straight ahead of you and your legs straight behind you, as if you were making a big letter I.
Cobra Stretch
This movement is helpful to stretch tight abdominal muscles and the lower back. Start by lying on your stomach with your legs extended and with palms planted on either side of your head with your forearms and elbows flat on the ground. Slowly, push your body upwards, so your weight is resting on your forearms.
Be sure to keep your hips on the ground. Once you reach a comfortable position that gently stretches your abdominal muscles and lower back, hold for 10 seconds. Slowly return to starting position and repeat five times. If you have more flexibility in your lower back, try straightening your arms.
Supine Hamstring Stretch
This is one of the stretching exercises for lower back pain that will be done lying down. Begin lying on your back and bend your left knee towards the ceiling. Next, place a towel or strap around your left heel. Then, straighten the leg. (Do this while pressing out through your heel.)
If you begin to feel some discomfort in your back, adjust yourself, bending your right knee and placing that heel on the grown near your backside. This will provide you with added support.
Hold the Supine Hamstring Stretch for three minutes. Then, do the same process again for the other leg.
Knee to Chest
Use this stretch to align pelvis and stretch lower back and rear end muscles. Lie flat on your back with toes pointed to the sky. Slowly bend your right knee and pull your leg up to you chest.
Wrap your arms around your thigh, knee or shin, and gently pull the knee towards your chest. Hold for 20 seconds and slowly extend the leg to starting position. Repeat three times each leg.
Pigeon Pose
Known as the Pigeon pose this stretch is performed lying down on the ground. It is a stretch that aims to lengthen the hips, groin and everything else in between. It is particularly useful for those who hold tension in their lower body.
Starting off on all-fours and facing the ground, raise your left knee under your chest so that it’s almost at 90-degrees under your torso. Then, with your left hand placed over your right hand at eye level, lower your forehead to rest on your hands. Feel the stretch in your glutes.Hold for three minutes then swap legs.
Doing exercises for the spine doesn't have to be a life change or even a major commitment, but we do need to be consistent with it. We should plan to do at least ten to fifteen minutes of exercises on a relatively daily basis to retrain the muscles.