Glute Bodybuilding


The glutes or ‘gluteus are a pretty important set of muscles. They play a key role in generating movement of the hip and thigh, preventing injury, right through to giving you nicely shaped rump. To get the glutes of your dreams, you have to train the three muscles Gluteus maximus,Gluteus medius and Gluteus minimus that make up your glutes and you have to train them hard.When it comes to Glute training, many guys don’t see the value in it. Females do, but purely for the wrong reasons. Although training glutes will help transform the look of your backside (diet also helps). There are many other benefits to training besides aesthetics.Training your glutes regularly and properly will revolutionise your training. We now know the biggest mistakes in the gluteal workout that most practitioners who fail to get results make, and try to avoid them in order to have that dream butt you want. Doing Only Standing Glute Exercises For Your Gluteal Muscles The big three exercises most people do to work their glutes are squats, deadlifts, and lunges. These compound exercises are effective for working the lower body, including the glutes, but they don’t target the gluteal muscles with as much precision as focused exercises you do lying on a bench or mat. Glute bridges, quadruped hip extensions, and hip thrusts are moves that specifically target the glutes – and, yes, they’re effective. Low Volume Training In addition to using lightweight, another big mistake in the buttocks training is to require some of the muscles. Train glutes only once a week, or do a few series with lightweight, will not provide you with the butt of dreams.In general, people add some glutes series in the final leg workout only as a "bonus", but the truth is that for your gluteus grow is in your best interest to pay attention to the volume of gluteal workout. Starting Glute Training Days With Squats And Deadlifts Most people will combine their leg and glute workout on the same day. That’s okay. However, if you’re main focus is on buttocks training; try starting with your glute exercises first. Research also seems to back up this concept. It turns out that if you’re training a group of different muscles, the order of the exercises is important in what specific outcome you’re looking to achieve. Wanting to get more out of your back on a back and biceps day? Work the back muscles first. Same goes for glutes. The glute strength exercises come first. Not Using Appropriate Weight Loads Most newbies working out are simply robbing themselves of quality lower body and glute training by not using enough poundage. They are plagued by the fear of "heavy weight training builds bulk," when NOTHING could be more wrong. Let us make it clear right now that muscle is not bulky. Muscle is lean, firm and tight. Fat, on the other hand, is bulky and squishy. There is absolutely no way possible that you will get bulky by working out with moderate to heavy poundage when training to build Lean muscle tissue. But, what you really need to understand is that using appropriate weight loads will not only build that round butt that you want, but it will also jack-up your metabolism. This is the most naturally anabolic effect you can get. Doing the Wrong Forms of Cardio Doing the Wrong Forms of cardio for the targeted goal. You will have to do cardio to burn off your excess fat stores, but you want to be selective with the cardio format you choose so you don't waste away your sexy curves and get a pancake butt. You pick the right type of cardio; you could be left with a flat butt. You need to choose workouts that work the glutes and focus on building muscle while you’re burning calories and fat. Not Training Your Glutes Frequently Enough Many people do not train their glutes enough to experience significant gains in development, strength, and overall function. While this of course varies on an individual basis so we are not speaking in absolutes, many people benefit from training their glutes 2-3 times per week, and performing multiple glute exercises during these workouts. Other people experience a great deal of success when they address their glutes most days of the week. That being said, you do not want to over-tax your glutes every day as this might take away from your other performance, aesthetic, or health related goals, and you absolutely need to give your glutes ample time to recover. If you prefer to train your glutes more frequently than the 2-3 days per week, opt to perform different exercises and movements throughout the week, and stick to a lower overall volume per workout. Relying Excessively on Squats and Deadlifts Squats and deadlifts are both FANTASTIC exercises, but they only train the glutes in a half-assed way. While certainly there are some benefits to the glutes from performing these exercises, it’s not very direct stimulation – especially with squats .but we tend to think that “quad-dominant exercises” aren’t going to challenge the hips as much as “hip dominant exercises. These exercises challenge a lot of different muscles, including the glutes, but they don’t challenge the glutes enough to be your exclusive training stimulus. Too Little Volume Don’t gloss over the glutes. Commonly, people will just a couple of sets of glute work more or less as a ‘bonus’ to their lower body training. If you’re trying to make your glutes grow, it’s definitely in your best interest to be diligent about how much volume you use. We suggest using 2-3 exercises that target the glutes directly for 2-4 sets each and generally use at least two rep ranges – the 8-12 range and higher reps in the 15-30 rep range. Not performing A Variety of Movements When it comes to achieving all performance, aesthetic, and even health-related glute-goals, performing exercises that target all of the fundamental movement patterns is extremely important. Making sure to include bilateral and unilateral squatting and hinging variations, in addition to single leg exercises like glute bridges, hip thrusts, lunges, step-ups, and so forth, will help ensure that you are targeting all of the muscle groups in your glutes, and in all planes of motion.
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