Foods For Reducing Belly Fat

Foods For Reducing Belly Fat

Belly fat, also known as visceral fat that accumulates around the midsection, is a major concern for many. Not only does belly fat make your figure unattractive, it also increases your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and fatty liver disease.Many people try dieting to lose belly fat, but this is not the optimal solution. The ideal way to get rid of belly fat is to choose your foods wisely and do some physical exercise daily.

Almonds and walnuts

Nuts keep your stomach full for a longer time and they are good fats that do not add to your calories. Nuts in general are a good source of nutrients to burn fat for girls who are vegetarian. Nuts are full of omega-3 fat that increases energy and metabolism.


Watermelon contains 91 percent water and when you eat it at the beginning of a meal, it fills you up without adding a substantial amount of calories to your meal.Plus, it keeps you feeling full longer and also helps combat water retention. This juicy fruit is also rich in vitamins B1, B6 and C, as well as potassium and magnesium. It is a great addition to a low-calorie and low-fat diet. Drinking two glasses of watermelon juice every day for eight weeks reduces body weight (especially the fat around the belly) without altering muscle mass.


Oats contain insoluble fiber and some carbohydrates that curb your hunger, give you strength for better workout and reduce fat content in your body. Oats come forth in the list. Having a bowl of oats with skimmed milk for breakfast is the best thing you can opt in the morning. When you are buying oatmeal, make sure that you choose one that is flavourless. Flavoured oats contain sugar and chemicals. Oats being high in fibers and help in digestion properly.


An egg is a protein rich food that is low in calories and fat. Having one boiled egg daily will help burn belly fat. Other than being a rich source of proteins, minerals and anti-oxidants, eggs also contain an amino acid called leucine. This acts as a catalyst in burning extra fats. So having an egg during breakfast is a must for teenagers.

Green tea

It is rich in antioxidants and helps in boosting up metabolism, thus cutting down the body fat. It is also known to suppress your appetite.


They are rich in dietary fiber, flavonoids and beta carotene. All of these help in keeping your belly feel full and prevent overeating. Pectin present in apples helps in weight loss by transforming into a gel like substance that traps dietary cholesterol and fat.


Cucumbers are an extremely refreshing and low-calorie food. They are packed with minerals, dietary fibers and vitamins.Eating a plate of cucumber salad daily is an effective and healthy way to cleanse your body of harmful toxins released by the digestive system and lose weight. As an added benefit, eating cucumbers daily can give you radiant, glowing skin because they are rich in vitamins B and C.


The powerful antioxidant lycopene in tomatoes offers plenty of additional health benefits like reducing wrinkles, fighting cancer and reducing cholesterol levels. Tomatoes are an excellent source of nutrients like iron and potassium and are rich in vitamins A and C. So, to enjoy a healthy body, include tomatoes (in both raw and cooked form) in your daily diet.


Pulses or dalis rich in amino acids, low on calories, and fat. Simple boiled dal is healthier than fried or spiced up dal. Eat right to reap health benefits.


The omega-3 fatty acid in fish oils can have fat burning benefits and can also cause your body to reduce the amount of body fat it stores. Omega-3 contains eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid and linolenic acid. Fish rich in omega-3 include tuna, halibut and salmon


Have lots and lots of water to increase your metabolism and burn fats.

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