Rice bodybuilding

5 Myths About Eating Rice

Rice though used as a staple in many parts of the world. Rice contains high carbohydrate content. A cup of white rice contains 35gms of carbohydrates, 165 calories and 3-4grams of protein. There are also two different types of rice, white rice and brown rice. The difference between the two, especially for our health, is substantial. White rice has very little fibre but brown rice has more fibre and also more vitamins and minerals. But, there are a number of myths associated with this food. Myth 1: Rice has no protein Protein is the second-most abundant nutrient found in rice. A cup of white rice contains 3-4 gm of proteins. In fact, rice protein is considered superior to those found in other grains. Myth 2: Eating rice at night makes you fat The fact is that rice is easy to digest and is helpful in improving quality of sleep. It increases leptin sensitivity. Leptin is produced by a fatty tissue which regulates fat storage in the body. It provides a number of essential nutrients, including fibre and B vitamins. Carbohydrate-rich foods, such as rice, are often linked to weight gain, but, at least in the case of rice, some research shows that it isn’t likely to make you fat. Any food eaten to excess can cause weight gain. Not to eat carbs in the night is a myth. Myth 3: Cooking destroys rice protein While heating or cooking, may certainly denature any protein. Denaturing of protein means that the chemical structure has changed like when a raw egg turns solid with heat. The cooked egg still has protein in it. This is different than overcooking or burning the protein, which can definitely render it nutritionally obsolete. Myth 4: Rice protein causes hormone imbalance Fact is, it is more likely to have an anti-inflammatory effect since it does not contain anything artificial. Consuming enough dietary protein actually helps to stabilize hormones, not disrupt them. This is because hormones are made from the amino acids in dietary protein. Without enough protein, the body cannot make the hormones needed to function normally, and this is what can cause an imbalance. The only way rice protein would cause inflammation is if someone was allergic to rice protein Myth 5: Rice has high salt This is just a myth. Sodium content in rice is quite low. It is considered safe to eat for those who have high blood pressure and hypertension.
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